Confidentiality and Records

Your communications with us will become part of our assessment records, and it is referred to as Protected Health Information (PHI). Your PHI will be kept in a file stored in a locked cabinet, or kept electronically on an encrypted drive or HIPAA-compliant electronic storage service. Additionally, we will always keep everything you say completely confidential, with the following exceptions: (1) you direct us to tell someone else and you sign a "Release of Information" form; (2) you report information about the abuse of a child, an elderly person, or a disabled individual who may require protection; or (3) your diagnostician is ordered by a judge to disclose information. In the latter case, our license does provide us with the ability to uphold what is legally termed "privileged communication." Privileged communication is your right as a client to have a confidential relationship with a diagnostician. If for some unusual reason a judge were to order the disclosure of your private information, this order can be appealed. We cannot guarantee that the appeal will be sustained, but your diagnostician will do everything in their power to keep what you say confidential. 

In addition, you should be aware that we each practice with other assessment professionals in our office and that we have administrative staff. In most cases, we need to share protected information with these individuals for both administrative and evaluation purposes such as scheduling, billing, and quality assurance. We also have a formal business associate contract that requires them to maintain confidentiality.Â